From Shanghai Yiduqiao the e-Commerce Cross-Border...

Saturday, 30 November 2013 by Administrator

Shanghai Yiduqiao (Qiao Lab Group) launches 1Dute International (, the first chinese e-Commerce Cross-Border Chinese with the formula "Zero Cost e-Commerce" that allows International companies to sell in China in a easier and safer way, thanks own Yiduqiao Hubs in China and abroad.

"A formula that allows you to break down all barriers, and so you can sell directly on the Chinese e-Commerce market, which count over 300 million users, with a solution 'tailor made' for any company scale," says Alberto Fattori Managing Director of Qiao Lab, the Chinese company based in Shanghai and owner of 1Dute International e-Commerce.

"Chinese consumers increasingly buy Cross-Border (from abroad in e-Commerce), to access the best deals and products, and be sure of their provenance and origin," says Yuan Wei Hong Qiao's Managing Partner Lab, "through our International Hubs we can select and qualify the best products to be placed on our e-Commerce, as well as in cooperation with companies, enable appropriate strategies for O2O distribution (Online-Offline) so as to cancel the distance to China in favor of consumers hungry for International quality and at the same time, maximize the action of companies in China ".

Thanks to e-Commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay, until now many of the purchases made by consumers in China are related to American products. "With 1Dute International and the combined use of our International Hubs," continues Yuan Wei Hong Qiao's Managing Partner Lab, "we help to enlarge the origin base of certified products for Chinese consumers, and at the same time, International companies can access to a logistics and scalable distribution infrastructure".

More information: Here

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